Saying yes to being your best at one thing invariably means saying no to something else. Probably a lot of something else’s. Specificity demands focus. It’s the price of expertise. This is no less true in fitness as it anywhere else. If you want to run a half-marathon PR or hit your highest deadlift...

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Running has always been a selfish thing for me. I don’t mean that negatively, only that it is something I do for myself, how and when I want. My running goals are entirely my own, and I always run by myself. It’s been that way ever since I got out of the Navy, and took up running for pleasure. Runni...

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12 Apr

The Hard Part

The hard part of being healthy isn’t the exercise and eating right. That part is easy. Or, rather, it’s straight forward. Run a few miles, do some deadlifts, eat some veggies, etc. Motivation wanes and sometimes I’m lazy , but getting back on track is simple enough. There’s no mystery.

I’m know I’...

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I have a strong internal narrative about who I am as a runner. This inner-runner is dogged and determined, and has over a decade of experience. This inner runner also doesn't understand why I haven't improved. I should; after all, I've put in all thse years of work!

But. . .have I really? How much...

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There is a moment that stands out in my memory. I’m young, maybe four or five, and I’m running around shirtless. I remember looking down at my belly, the soft, round belly of a young child; and I remember how pleased I am to be unencumbered by clothing. It is the only memory I have of being utterly,...

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